Sub-Group Combaticons, Scouts
Function Ground Assault
Motto "I was built to be wild."
Alternate Modes Leopard 1 tank
Voiced by Tony St. James (English)Masashi Ebara (Japanese)
Brawl originally appeared as a group of five Decepticons known as the Combaticons who were able to combine together to form a larger robot known as Bruticus. As a basic sized combiner limb, Brawl could become the arm or leg to any similar combiner Transformers; he was usually found to be the left leg of Bruticus.
According to his original bio, he was noisy, has hair-trigger temper, belligerent, and irritable. He is resistant to most conventional artillery. He shoots 200 Ibs TNT-equivalent shells from his turret, and twin sonic guns shoot 300-decibel bursts of concentrated sound energy. In robot mode, he wields 10-megawatt electron gun.
The Combaticons first U.S. appearance in Issue 24 of the U.S. Marvel comics was unexplained in the American comic, however it is assumed that they were created in the same way as the Stunticons were through Bombshell's cerebro-shell attached to Optimus Prime tapping the energies of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.
The company 'Energy Futures Industries' was a hydrothermocline plant which the Decepticons wanted to steal for their own energy resources. Megatron and the Combaticons launched an assault only to encounter the Protectobots and Optimus Prime. With both teams now combined into Bruticus and Defensor, the human Ethan Zachary offered a solution - that the two teams battled inside a computer program. Not wanting to destroy what they had come to steal Megatron agreed. Predictably the Combaticons' bloodlust was turned against them as their disregard for the programs sentient beings led to Swindle and Brawl being destroyed by First Aid. However, the Decepticons still won as Optimus Prime felt he had cheated by endangering innocent life in the game and destroyed himself. Shortly after this Brawl made the mistake of questioning Megatron's belief that Prime was still alive. The increasingly deranged Decepticon leader crushed Brawl's head with his bare hands.
Brawl would continue to make sporadic appearances throughout the U.S. and UK comics, clashing twice more with the Protectobots as Bruticus and attacking the Autobot leadership contest between Grimlock and Blaster. The Combaticons were not shown to be deactivated by the Underbase powered Starscream, but as they were not seen again in the G1 comic, it is likely. Brawl did reappear in the Transformers: Generation 2 comic, where he and the other Combaticons were destroyed by the forces of Jhiaxus.
Brawl was originally a Decepticon criminal that had his personality component extracted by Shockwave. In "Starscream's Brigade" he was one of five later recovered by Starscream, exiled from the Decepticons after one clash too many with Megatron. Hitting on the idea of creating his own loyal troops from the wrecked vehicles left on Guadalcanal after World War II battles there, he installed their personality components into the rebuilt vehicles, thus creating the Combaticons, with Brawl having the alternate mode of a Leopard 1 tank. After a series of attacks on both Autobots and Decepticons, they were defeated by Menasor and exiled to space.
In "The Revenge of Bruticus", ridding themselves of Starscream they would then attempt to conquer Cybertron, defeating Shockwave's army, and then attempt to destroy Earth by sending it towards the sun. They were eventually stopped by Optimus Prime, Megatron and Starscream, but they survived - under Megatron's control.
While he would mostly appear as part of the Combaticons, the episode "B.O.T." would spotlight Swindle and Brawl near exclusively. After a gestalt-on-gestalt battle between Bruticus and Defensor the Combaticons' combined form was demolished, with only Swindle remaining intact. The ever opportunistic Swindle took the opportunity to sell his comrades' parts - much to the fury of Megatron. Recovering all but Brawl's personality component, Megatron had him fitted with a bomb to give him extra "motivation". Eventually he located it installed in a high school science project called B.O.T. (which had gone on the rampage due to Brawl's influence).
Eventually recovering Brawl's personality components the Combaticons merged into Bruticus, but were stopped by Defensor, forcing them to flee.
Brawl would continue to appear in a limited capacity throughout the third season.
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