Sub-Group Autobot Cars, Lightning Strike Coalition, Action Masters, Spy Changers
Function Mechanical Engineer
Motto "Never do what your enemy expects you to do."
Wheeljack (Saetta in Italy, and Kerék (which simply means Wheel) in the Hungarian translation of the early comics) is the scientist (and warrior) of the Autobots in the Transformers television and comic series based on the popular toy line produced by Takara and Hasbro. His vehicle mode is a Lancia Stratos Turbo racing car.
Wheeljack is described as the mad scientist of the Autobot forces as he is always inventing new weapons and gadgets. These weapons and gadgets, while derived from the desire to benefit the Autobot cause, often bring great danger and introduce unpredictable elements into critical situations. He is the most accomplished driver (while in car mode) among the Autobots and enjoys displaying his skill level through various road stunts. Wheeljack possesses the ability to fly for relatively short distances (800 miles) using solid-fuel rockets in his arms. From his shoulder mounted cannons, Wheeljack can shoot magnetic inducer, shrapnel-needle, and gyro-inhibitor shells which can disrupt a target's sense of balance. He is often his own worst enemy due to the explosive and potentially damaging nature of his experiments.
Wheeljack, who was voiced by Chris Latta, was the first Transformer ever shown in the G1 cartoon series. Also, his is one of the few Cybertronian vehicle forms shown - in his case, a boxy vanlike vehicle. His robot form is distinguished by large bulbs on either side of his head that light up when he speaks. In most episodes, he was seldom seen at the front lines in battle - but he was often fundamental to the plot. He, and the Autobot medic Ratchet occasionally, in cooperation with the human Sparkplug Witwicky were often shown working together creating various devices, weaponry, and even additional Autobots. Often, these devices were sought and sometimes obtained by the Decepticons and used against the Autobots. In the episode "The Immobilizer", he created a device capable of "immobilizing" anything and Decepticon forces were able to capture and use the device against the Autobots.
Wheeljack was the primary architect of the Dinobots, although they rarely seemed to have any particular affinity for him. Along with Ratchet he also helped to create the Aerialbots out of old Cybertronian shuttles. As the series progressed, Wheeljack's responsibilities were increasingly taken on by the Autobot scientist Perceptor.
In The Transformers: The Movie, set in the year 2005, Wheeljack was assigned to Autobot City on Earth. Wheeljack was killed in the invasion of Autobot City by Megatron’s forces, and his injured or possibly deceased body dragged to cover by Arcee. In the storyboards for the movie, it is Smokescreen, not Wheeljack, who lies dead, and Wheeljack himself can be seen alive amidst Devastator's attack. It is also worth noting that Wheeljack's (and Windcharger's) body does not change colour to a grey black colour associated with Transformers when they die. Wheeljack has an anomalous appearance in Transformers: Victory.
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