Sub-Group Communications, Go-Bots
Function Warrior
Partner Laserbeak
Motto "Sow panic and surrender will bloom!"
Alternate Modes Microcassette TapeCar
English voice actor Frank Welker
Frenzy's is often partnered with Soundwave, along with other cassette Decepticons Ravage, Laserbeak and Buzzsaw. Because of his coloration on the original cartoon, he is sometimes identified as Rumble. The toy is colored blue and indigo, but his cartoon model is red, black, and gold. His toy-accurate color scheme in the Marvel Comics series remained intact, and following media such as Dreamwave and IDW's comics followed the toy's colors as well.
The animated series accidentally swapped the color schemes for Rumble and Frenzy - Rumble was now colored as Frenzy and vice-versa.
In the animated series, Frenzy was not as prominent a character as Rumble, first appearing in the episode "Countdown To Extinction" and made few appearances after that, usually appearing alongside Rumble.
Autobot Brawn faces Decepticons Rumble and Frenzy in Marvel's Transformers comics.
According to the Marvel Transformers comics Rumble and Frenzy are brothers. Unlike the cartoon version, Marvel Frenzy had powers based on sonics rather than piledriver arms.
In the comics Frenzy was one of the Decepticons that originally attacked the Ark and subsequently fell to Earth. Reconfigured into the Earth mode of a microcassette he participated in many of the early battles against the Autobots. Until, that is, he was one of those who went with Megatron in his raid against the Autobot base, summarily getting deactivated by Omega Supreme along with Starscream, Skywarp, Thundercracker, Rumble and Buzzsaw. That would be all the US comics heard from Frenzy for a while but the UK comics had him returning much sooner in the Target: 2006 storyline, where, after escaping from the Ark with Thundercracker they and Shockwave would be displaced into a limbo dimension to make way for time-travellers Hot Rod, Kup and Blurr, where they battled against Optimus Prime, Prowl and Ratchet, as well as parasitic aliens feeding off their emotions. Working together to find a way out they returned to reality when Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge time-jumped back to the future. In the UK comics he seemingly rejoined the ranks of the Decepticons, while he was freed from the Autobot base in U.S. issue 41.
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