Sub-Group Cyber SlammersMicro VehiclesDeluxe Vehicles
Partner Frenzy
Alternate Modes Saleen S281 Police patrol car
Series Transformers movie toys
Barricade first featured in 1990 as part of a Decepticon race track patrol team, his vehicle mode being a Formula One racing car.
Barricade learned how to take care of himself while running with Cybertron's most vicious racing gangs, and he brings that same brutal edge to his position as leader of the Race Track Patrol. His troops know that the slightest mistake will result in a merciless dressing down in front of the others, and they strive to meet his exacting standards. His hard-nosed, abusive leadership style doesn't do much for morale, but he figures it's for their own good.
Barricade is the commander of the team and pushes the other members. His only fictional appearance is in the Dreamwave comics Micromaster series.
Originally named "Runner", Barricade was created as part of a cross-factional experiment in which new Micromasters were allowed to function as neutrals, and to choose their own affiliations. Barricade quickly saw the potential rewards of joining the Decepticons, and earmed the new moniker "Barricade" in recognition of his blockade-running tactics.
Barricade eventually became disillusioned by how the Micromasters were treated, and joined up with Decepticon Micromaster agitator Skystalker.
In the 2007 live-action movie, Barricade is a Decepticon that transforms into a Saleen S281 Extreme (a modified Ford Mustang) police car, making him similar in appearance to the G1 Autobot Prowl, who was actually in the first draft of the movie treatment before the writers thought that a Decepticon police car would be a better idea. He is a hunter/scout of the Decepticons, choosing his vehicle mode to easily hide among the humans as a symbol of authority. His persona appears to be that of the cliché "bad cop", as he fiercely interrogates Sam Witwicky once he locates him. In the game his weapons are Gatling cannons and plasma lasers, but he mainly elongates his arms to reveal spinning spikes in his hands and uses them as close-combat striking weapons, and also as a steel flail, similar to nunchuks. When in car mode he can simulate the appearance of a human driver, the same holographic model (referred to as "Mustache Man" on-set and in the credits) that "pilots" Blackout and Starscream.
In leaked versions of the script, this character was originally codenamed Brawl - he even appeared with his name on some of the concept art. The name was later changed to Barricade when the official list of Transformers appearing in the movie was released; the name Brawl would go to another Decepticon. His rear quarter reads "To punish and enslave" a parody of the classic police slogan "To Protect and Serve". The front quarter police logos have the Decepticon symbol on them and the writing "Pacis Quod Alcedonia", Latin for "Still, Halcyon Days of Peace", and "Incorporated since June 1865".
The official guide to the Transformers video game says he's 16 feet tall. The Transformers U.K. magazine states he is 16 feet 3 inches tall, weighs 2.2 tons and has a maximum speed of 300 mph. An early interview with Michael Bay states that he is 18 feet tall. The deluxe toy suggests he is 19 feet tall at the shoulders.
The Legends 2-pack with Cliffjumper and Recon Barricade says that Cliffjumper and Barricade are old rivals. Cliffjumper often taunts Barricade into making mistakes.
Other than Scorponok and Frenzy, Barricade is the only non-military Decepticon. In fact, he and his partner Frenzy seem to be the only Decepticons who can blend into a civilian environment.
Some speculation has occurred as well to Barricade being another version of Soundwave, as one of Soundwave's partner's in the Generation 1 series was also named Frenzy. Barricade shows this quality by the sound of his voice almost being a fully robotic state (with almost no human traits to it at all), and with where Frenzy emerges from is similar to his G1 counterpart (transforms from cassette mode into robot mode by ejecting from Soundwave's chest).
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