Sub-Group Fast Action Battlers Micro Vehicles Voyagers
Partner Scorponok
Motto "He who cares for the opinions of others is lost."
Series Transformers movie toys
Blackout was a member of the Decepticon Destruction Team and transformed into a helicopter. He was able to combine with his team to form a limb of the giant robot, Bruticus Maximus.
In the Energon animated series, Blackout was a seemingly non-sentient drone commanded by team leader, Barricade. As with all of the Energon combiner limbs, Blackout has a twin brother on his team—Stormcloud. Their energon weapons were a cannon and a pair of guns. In the Japanese series, each member had the name of a G1 Combaticon—Blackout's name was Blast Off.
Early leaked scripts of the 2007 live-action film had a Decepticon helicopter named Vortex, after the Generation 1 Combaticon. Possibly due to Hasbro's lack of a trademark on the name Vortex, they changed the name to Blackout. Blackout has had various different names before being finalized—Soundwave, Vortex and Incinerator; all names have been used on a Transformers toy at some point before. Leaked concept art for the character had the name "Incinerator" on it.
Blackout transforms into an MH-53M Pave Low IV helicopter. According to screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, Blackout is the largest Decepticon, (while Blackout is about 33 feet tall, Megatron, visually, appears larger than any other Transformer in the movie) serving as transportation for the other group members. He is armed with arm-mounted Gatling cannons, an M134 gatling gun used on the Pave Low helicopter. And an energy cannon and missile launchers, and has the ability to disrupt electronic devices via EMP blasts. He is also able to detach and wield his tail rotor blades as a close-combat weapon and when out of vehicle mode his main rotors fold into two sets of three onto his back, giving him the appearance of wings. When in helicopter mode he can simulate the appearance of a human pilot, the same holographic model (referred to as "Mustache Man" on-set and in the credits) that "pilots" Starscream and "drives" Barricade. Blackout carries Scorponok on his back, as seen in both the film and the game.
According to his profile in the second issue of the UK. Transformers magazine, Blackout stands 33 feet 5 inches tall, weighs 2.9 tons and has a maximum speed of 800 mph. The official guide to the Transformers video game says he's 33 feet tall. Both of these heights are much smaller than his alternate mode would suggest. However, in the video game's profile for him, it states that he is often seen "silently looming over Megatron's shoulder" indicating that he would have to be taller than Megatron, and therefore taller than 33 feet. His exact height seems to be a mystery. As size calculations from the toy suggests, his height should be about 55 feet tall.
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