Affiliation Decepticon
Sub-Group Constructicons
Function Materials fabrication
Motto "How strong the steel, how quick the conquest"
Alternate Modes Cement Truck
Japanese voice actor Yutaka Shimaka
Mixmaster is a Decepticon and member of the Constructicons. He and the other Constructicons form together to make Devastator, a very large and powerful Decepticon. He can mix chemicals to produce acids for various purposes. He will use anything for his experimental purposes, from unliving rocks to living Autobots.
In the original animated series, Mixmaster transforms into a cement truck. The constructicons are the first combiner group in G1. Mixmaster forms the left leg of Devastator. An often occurring animation error is that Mixmaster is sometimes rendered purple and sometimes green.
Nothing is safe frown Mixmaster's seething cauldron. He will use any material necessary, whether unliving rock or living robot, in the making of some new material. He's been known to swallow up brand new limousines and reduce them to steel girders. And he performs his often grisly tasks with an evil, cackling glee that more befits a medieval witch than a Constructicon. The manner in which he creates new materials resembles an arcane ritual. Sometimes his fellow Decepticons wonder it perhaps Mixmaster hasn't a few microchips loose in his logic center, but they never question the results of his efforts.
While having the appearance of a standard concrete mixer, Mixmaster can, by using various acids and bonding agents, reduce and recombine virtually any substances put inside his drum and use them to form new substances. He is a chemistry lab on wheels. Atop the root of his cab, he can mount a powerful infrared cannon which emits bursts of 8000° C heat for an effective range of .8 miles. In robot mode, he carries a laser pistol and a shoulder-mounted optical distortion projector, which, by bending light waves, disorients the vision of anyone caught in its field. When combined with his fellow Constructicons he serves as the left leg module in the giant robot known as Devastator.
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